1. According to the Bible, what is “the pillar and foundation of truth”?
    1. The Church
    2. The Bible


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  1. John 3:5 says "Amen, amen I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of WATER and Spirit.”


The WATER in this passage, according to the constant 2,000-year teaching of the Catholic Church, and according to St. Augustine and all the Church Fathers who dealt with this passage was:


  1. symbolic water
  2. the real water of Baptism
  3. amniotic fluid


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3.  How does James 2:24 describe justification?

    1. "a person is justified by faith alone"
    2. "a person is justified by works and not by faith alone"


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  1. How many times does the phrase “faith alone” (or “faith only”) appear in the New Testament?


A. 50         B. 30       C. 10        D. 1


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  1. The native language of Jesus and his apostles was Aramaic. Speaking in Aramaic, Jesus called Peter “Kepha,” also transliterated “Cephas.”


What does Kepha mean in Aramaic?

    1. stone
    2. rock
    3. rolling stone
    4. apple



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6. Who is referred to as a “father” in the Bible?

    a. St. Paul
    b. Abraham
    c. Isaac
    d. elders
    e. All of the Above



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  1. Which New Testament writer recommends celibacy for full-time ministers?


    1. Paul
    2. Luke
    3. Mark
    4. John


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  1. Everyone knows that Peter’s successor was the second pope (second bishop of Rome), but who became Judas Iscariot's successor after Judas killed himself?


A.    Matthias

B.    Judas, Jr.

C.    Elijah



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9. According to Romans 2:5-8, God will repay everyone according to their what?

a.     faith

b.     works

c.      intelligence



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10. According to 1 Cor 1:10: “I urge there be no ___________ among you.”

a. trials

b. sins

c. divisions



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11.  According to the Bible, which relics cured people?

  1. Elisha’s bones
  2. Peter’s shadow
  3. Face cloths that touched Paul
  4. None of the above
  5. All of the above                   


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12. In Matthew 9:15, what does Christ say his followers will do once he’s gone?

  1. write everything down
  2. fast


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13.   Romans 8:16-17 says we may be glorified with Christ if only we do what?

  1. suffer with Him
  2. confess His name
  3. know Him

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14.  Fill in the blank "[A]nd the priest shall take _____________ in an earthen vessel and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water." (Numbers 5:17)

a.     holy water

b.     fresh water

c.      salt water

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15.  Fill in the blank. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the _________ which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.”

a.     faith

b.     traditions

c.      writings

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16. According to the Bible, one who thinks he is standing secure, should do what?

a. have confidence he will not fall

b. take care not to fall


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17. According to 1 Peter 3:21, what does baptism do?


A. saves you

B. saves you not

C. inspires you



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18. According to the Gospel of Matthew (19:16), Jesus said: If you wish to enter into life, ___________________.

A.   be assured of your salvation

B.   keep the commandments


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